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Caged Women In Purgatory Caged Le Prede Umane 1992 Uncut


  • Availability Current UK Status: Banned Netherlands: Uncut for: NL EIC R2 DVD via UK Amazon

  • Sweden: Uncut for: Sw 2012 Njuta Films R2 DVD

  • US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for: 2012 Autonomy R0 Blu-ray/R0 DVD Combo at US Amazon

  • 2012 Autonomy R0 DVD at US Amazon

  • var s_imgTag = ""; var s_thumbTag = "empty"; core_responsive_image(210,300,0,0.3, s_imgTag, s_thumbTag); Caged Women Caged: Le prede umane

  • Caged Women in Purgatory

Caged Women is a 1991 Italy action crime adventure by Leandro Lucchetti. With Pilar Orive, Isabel Libossart and Elena Wiedermann. Banned by the BBFC for 1992 video. Unbanned after massivecuts for 18 rated VHS. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US. Summary Notes Beautiful young American tourist Janet Cooper goes on vacation to a remote South American country. After being arrested by acorrupt cop and subsequently found guilty of a trumped-up charge involving possession of narcotics, Janet finds herself incarcerated at an isolated castle located deep in the jungle that serves as a hellish women's penitentiary. The brutal staff at saidprison not only treat the inmates as their own sexual playthings, but also force the ladies into prostitution and even let decadent rich folks hunt them down like animals in the wild.

  • "); uncut run: 87m pal: 84m US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for: 2014 The Classic Theatre R0 DVD at US Amazon

  • 2013 Wizard Entertainment R1 DVD via UK Amazon and at US Amazon

  • total cuts cut: 17:33s run: 68:11s pal: 65:27s 3:43s pre-cut 13:90s UK: A pre-cut version was passed 18 after 3:43s of further BBFC cuts for: 2001 MIA R2 DVD 1992 New Age VHS A heavily pre-cut was resubmitted by New Age in 1992 and the BBFC cut a further 3:43s. The total cuts add up to something around the 17:33s mark banned run: 89:52s pal: 86:16s UK: Banned by the BBFC for: 1992 New Age VHS

  • The BBFC commented: Rejected because of its exploitative treatment of the sexual abuse of women. An Italian women's prison film in which the prisoners wereraped and abused by their gaolers, was redolent of the video nasty era in that the abuse was offered not for condemnation but as an erotic spectacle. core_wide_else_narrow("",""); var s_imgTag = ""; var s_thumbTag = ""; core_responsive_image(213,300,100,0.3, s_imgTag, s_thumbTag); Caligula: The Untold Story Caligula 2: The Untold Story

  • Caligula: La Storia mai Raccontata

  • Emperor Caligula

  • Emperor Caligula: The Garden of Taboo

  • L'Imperatore Caligula

  • The Emperor Caligula: The Untold Story

Caligula: The Untold Story is a 1981 Italy adult drama by Joe D'Amato With David Brandon, Laura Gemser and Luciano Bartoli. The Original Version features hardcore footage not involving the lead players. A softcore US Version was also produced which was extensively cut by the BBFC for 18rated UK cinema release in 1984. This version was later banned by the BBFC for 1987 VHS. The Italian Version is longer than the US Softcore Version but still excludes the hardcore footage. Summary Review: The Other Caligula The mad Roman emperor Caligula romances a young Moor woman ploting to kill him while he continues his debauched lifestyle of sex and murder.

Caged Women In Purgatory Caged Le Prede Umane 1992 Uncut

  • Availability Current UK Status: The cut but director approved R rated version was passed 18without cuts UK: The cut US R Rated Version/Director Approved Cut was passed 18 with previous BBFC cuts waived for: 2005 Home Entertainment Corporation/Mosaic/Warner R2 DVD via UKAmazon

  • US: Cut and MPAA R rated for: 2015 Shout! Factory (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon

  • 2006 Starz/Anchor Bay R1 DVD at US Amazon

  • var s_imgTag = ""; var s_thumbTag = "empty"; core_responsive_image(240,240,0,0.3, s_imgTag, s_thumbTag); The Classic Films of Irving Klaw: Vol 1 Betty Page: Bondage Queen

  • By Thomas Blackstone, rejected in 1999 This video features films and pictures from the collection of Irving Klaw dating back to before the first world war. In the late 50's andearly 60's, Klaw was subjected to government prosecution. His conviction, later overturned, led to Klaw destroying most of his pictures and negatives. This rare film is one of two that features the remarkable Betty Page. The BBFCstated that this video was rejected on the grounds that the Board's guidelines state that mild fetishism may be represented, but in Irving Klaw we have scenes of women trussed, bound, gagged, spanked, shackled, handcuffed, slapped, tethered andsuspended. Such sequences of bondage, restraint and gagging (proffered as masturbation material) are very extensive and unacceptable. The distributor of this material has decided to re-edit two versions of Betty page's work by photographer Irving Klawthat will not breach our guidelines. We are awaiting their resubmission. Review from US Amazon : Queen of Curves The new DVD : Betty PageBondage Queen will be a desirable addition to any Bettie Page fan but I suppose that I was expecting the whole disk to be unpublished shots of the Queen of Curves as the title suggests. The several short movies presented are black and white filmstaken of some of Irving Klaw's models in their undies, being bound and gagged by Klaw's sister. Betty appears in a few and in many stills. The exclusive commentary by Bettie Page is a short written page or two, notthe audio file I hoped for. I enjoyed the movies of the models in their bras and panties, dark nylons and ultra high heels as they tried to walk in them but a more truthful title for the DVD would have been Irving Klaw's Bondage and Fetish models,Featuring Bettie Page. Availability Vol 1 banned in 1992 Vol 1 & 2 passed uncut on 2009 Digital Classics DVD as Betty Page: Bondage Queen Current UK Status: Passed 18 uncut var s_imgTag = ""; var s_thumbTag = ""; core_responsive_image(174,300,100,0.3, s_imgTag, s_thumbTag); A Clockwork Orange Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange is a 1971 UK/USA crime Sci-Fi drama by Stanley Kubrick. Starring Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee and Michael Bates. Never cut or officially banned by the BBFC but withdrawn from distributionin the UK by Kubrik. It appeared on home video after his death. The film was originally released MPAA X uncut in the US but was cut a year later for an MPAA R rating. The film was re-rated as R uncut for US home video releases. SummaryNotes Protagonist Alex is an "ultraviolent" youth in futuristic Britain. As with all luck, his eventually runs out and he's arrested and convicted of murder and rape. While in prison, Alex learns of anexperimental program in which convicts are programed to detest violence. If he goes through the program his sentence will be reduced and he will be back on the streets sooner than expected. But Alex's ordeals are far from over once he hits the meanstreets of Britain that he had a hand in creating.

  • UK: The Original Version was passed 18 uncut for: 2013 cinema release

  • 2012 Lions Gate Tarentino XX (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon

  • 2010 Optimum R2 DVD at UK Amazon

  • 2009 Lions Gate RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon

  • 1996 Polygram VHS

  • 1995 Pioneer LaserDisc

  • 1995 Polygram VHS

  • 1992 cinema release

  • US: Uncut and MPAA R Rated for: 2012 Lions Gate Tarentino XX (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon

  • 2007 Lions Gate 15thAnniversary Edition RA Blu-ray at US Amazon

  • 2006 Lions Gate 15th Anniversary EditionR1 DVD at US Amazon

  • uncut run: 98:56s pal: 94:59s UK: The Special Edition was passed 18 uncut for: 2004 Momentum Special Edition R2 DVD

  • See article from . The Special Edition has minor differences to dialogue Missing dialogue Mr White: I think he just passed out.

  • Mumbled dialogue Mr Blonde: "Joe"

  • banned banned UK: The film was informally banned from a video release from 1993 to 1995 See article from The work was submitted in 1993 for its home video classification, but the video release would be delayed until 1995 because of the introduction of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill in 1993 and its lengthy passage throughParliament. In response to concerns about the effects of media violence, largely in the wake of the James Bulger murder in 1993, part of the Bill's remit was to make amendments to the Video Recordings Act 1984, under whichthe BBFC had been appointed as the statutory regulatory body for video. It also established within the VRA a specific harm test. This harm test required the BBFC to pay special regard (among the other relevant factors) to any harm thatmay be caused to potential viewers or, through their behaviour, to society by the manner in which the work deals with [such issues as] criminal behaviour [and] violent behaviour and incidents . Reservoir Dogs wasfinally granted an uncut 18 video certificate in May 1995, a considerable time after its video release in all the other major international markets, which did not prove too disconcerting for Tarantino who was reported to be delighted that thedelay had given the film an extended theatrical life in the UK. core_wide_else_narrow_endblockquote_p(); S&M - Why? Rejected in December 1996 with the following justification An erotic and in places pornographic video dealingwith human sexual activity in a context of force, restraint or infliction of pain. Although submitted as 'sex-education', it seemed to the Board to be selling the techniques of sado-masachism in a glossy and highly erotic manner, so that the educationalcontent was overwhelmed by the S&M content. The message that pain is th real source of pleasure seemed likely to encourage men to inflict pain without due consideration of the rights and vulnerabilities of their partners. Availability Banned in UK var s_imgTag = ""; var s_thumbTag = "empty"; core_responsive_image(300,300,0,0.3, s_imgTag, s_thumbTag); Sadomania Hell Hole Women

  • Prisoners of the Flesh

  • Sadomania: Holle der Lust

  • Sadomania: El Infierno de la Pasion

  • Sadomania is a 1981 Spanish/W German women in prison film by Jess Franco. With Ajita Wilson, Andrea Guzon and Ursula Buchfellner. UK: Passed X (18) after about 17:00s of BBFC cuts for: UK 1982 cinema release titled Prisoners of the Flesh

  • UK: The Export Version was banned by the BBFC for: UK 1994 Redemption VHS titled Sadomania

The BBFC commented: A Women's prison video in which the female prisoners were coerced, degraded and brutalised. The treatment in Sadomania was often vicious in the extreme, with gladiatorial combat to the death between nakedprisoners, the torture of a prisoner by sticking needles into and around her nipples, the hunting down of a naked woman with guns and dogs, and the rape of a bound and screaming naked prisoner by an Alsation dog, viewed by the governor and his wife as asexy turn-on. See article from . Distributor Nigel Wingrove wrote: Twenty years ago Redemption Films released Succubus and I received a written warning from the BritishBoard of Film Classification, that Jess Franco was a director whose films the BBFC regarded as bordering on criminal. I was told that were I to attempt to release other films by him or to bring them into the country there would be consequences... A yearlater I submitted Demoniacs and Sadomania and both were categorically banned with the implicit threat that by pushing the work of Jess Franco I was, indirectly, championing criminal sexual material and that if I continued I too would face not civil, butcriminal proceedings. 2ff7e9595c

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