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The Key Sound Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol.rarl


Jack Johnston: It only takes at most, and this is at most, 20 minutes of practice about 3 times a week, and that's it. And if you just continue to do that what happens is you start to awaken this deeper and a truly multi-orgasmic response. Ejaculation is the emission of fluid, okay? Orgasm is the intense rushes of pleasure. What triggers ejaculation in men is generally very shallow breathing and a fair amount of muscle tension as you start approaching ejaculation and a lot of stimulation and so on. So, what I did was to not do those things but instead this method, the multiple orgasm trigger protocol, is based on relaxing, to learn how to awaken the response. So, we're not chasing after the orgasm. We let it come to us, like one woman from the UK said, she said you need to learn to let the faun, the baby deer, come to you. You need to not chase it, because if you chase it it'll run off into the woods.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Welcome to the Expanded Lovemaking show. I'm your host, Dr. Patti Taylor. Expanded And I teach you to give and receive way more pleasure than you ever dreamed possible. Today on the show we are speaking about multiple orgasm triggers, a program for more pleasurable and more intensified orgasms. Our guest is Jack Johnson, developer of the multiple orgasm trigger. This unique methodology can be used by anyone seeking to enhance sexual experience by making it more intensely pleasurable. It will also teach you to last longer in bed before ejaculating, and to unleash wave after wave of orgasm. So, welcome, Jack.

The Key Sound Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol.rarl

Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah! Well, you're work is so exciting because it offers value to such a wide range of people. And there's no apparent limit to how far you can go in learning this method. It doesn't seem to contradict other methods that a person may have learned. It just adds on. I've been working with it myself since I contacted you, and I've been absolutely... blown away by what I have learned. I absolutely think that this is a truly amazing body of knowledge. So, let's get started right away to see what sort of ways we can put this information to use in our lives. Let's find out about, what are multiple orgasm triggers? Can you tell us?

Jack Johnston: Certainly. I started off wanting to solve that problem for men, that feeling after ejaculation of, 'is that all there is?' A lot of times men feel afterwards kind of emptied out and they get that glimpse of extreme pleasure, but after that it's over. And it seemed to me that nature isn't that cruel, really. Frankly, that there's more to it than that, and of course there have been a number of methods described about how men can last longer and so on and so forth but they're mostly based on holding back at the last minute before ejaculation. And there are different ways that that's described depending on which point of view or theoretical framework surrounds it, but I really wanted to get to the basics. No matter what a person's belief system is, we have this in common. This is a common solution and I just had a really strong feeling about that. And that's why I said about wanting to discover that answer. And it boils down to a very simple process that takes at most, and this is at most, 20 minutes of practice It only takes at most, and this is at most, 20 minutes of practice about 3 times a week, and that's it. And if you just continue to do that what happens is you start to awaken this deeper and a truly multi-orgasmic response. The thing about it is that it's really important for us to distinguish between orgasm and ejaculation, though, Patti, because a lot of times, even among the sex experts, they use those words interchangeably when in fact they're actually two distinct reflexes both for men and for women. And that's a really important distinction. Ejaculation is the emission of fluid, okay? Orgasm is the intense rushes of pleasure. Alright? And so, the challenge was to identify what triggers each of the reflexes. What kind of behavior triggers each of the reflexes. What kind of behavior triggers the ejaculation reflex versus what kind of behavior triggers the orgasm reflex, the rushes of energy. Okay? So, I figured that if I could identify that and figure out just the behaviors that triggered orgasm, but without doing the behaviors that triggered ejaculation, then we'd have it, then we'd have the doors open. And when I discovered it, the doors flew open. Wide open. And from what people describe from age 18 into even their 70s and 80s even as they learn this, it just goes on and on. In other words, they just keep experiencing more and more as they learn to relax more and they practice the protocol more. And in fact on my homepage there's a wonderful statement from a fellow who goes by the username Mogg on our forums, we have these pseudonyms on our forums so people can speak freely, so he goes by the name of Mogg and he's now age 77, and he started the practice when he was age 74. And if I may quote him, just very briefly, for your audience, he says, "I simply could not have dreamt of the extreme, prolonged, and exotic sensations. Even just in the last two months," and this was after three years of practice, "even in just the last two months, I have made some unexpected and extraordinary gains."

Jack Johnson: Sure, sure, exactly. Yeah. Well, basically what it involves is, a lot of it has to do with relaxation. Learning how to relax enough and so on and basically what I looked at was what are the behaviors that tend to trigger ejaculation in men. And when I figured out how to kind of set that aside, how to teach men to set that aside, and yet do certain things that would nevertheless activate the multiple orgasm response that I knew was embedded in all of us that we're all born with the capacity for this, across the spectrum of gender and across the spectrum of sexual orientation. I started working with the idea that what triggers ejaculation in men is usually shallow, rapid breathing and a fair amount of muscle tension as you start approaching ejaculation and a lot of stimulation and so on. So, what I did was to not do those things but instead this method, the multiple orgasm trigger protocol, is based on relaxing, to learn how to awaken the response using very, very little stimulation. Very little stimulation to learn how to awaken the response. So, we're not chasing after the orgasm. We let it come to us, like one woman from the UK said, one woman who's in our forum, she said "you need to learn to let the faun come to you, the baby deer, come to you rather than chasing after it, because if you start to chase it it'll run off into the woods." And I thought that was a beautiful metaphor for this because what happens is as you start the relaxation and the breathing, the relaxed breathing, and use just very little stimulation, then we still needed to find some way to replace stimulation a way of amplifying arousal. And that was really the pivotal discovery. And that's where I discovered a particular sound. And I call it the 'key' sound. And I call it that because it unlocks this gateway to all those multiple orgasms. And it's not a sound that you have to make during intercourse or when you're sharing with a partner, but, you can, but you use it during the brief practice sessions, the 20-minute practice sessions I referred to to help open the gateways, okay. And as soon as you get these gateways open, then the response is available to you whenever you call upon it. In fact, I think you're gonna mention Zeitgeist a little later in the program, a chap who made a wonderful report in our online coaching chat last saturday, where he mentions that it can be called upon at any time. And that's a really important point, that you don't have to do a lot of vigorous stimulation and a lot of straining or using... vibrators can be fun, certainly, but they're not necessary to get to this place. So, basically, in a nutshell, what it's based upon is relaxation, single touch or caress of a pleasurable area - it doesn't even have to be genital - , and then to gently use this key sound that I discovered. And what that does is it starts building these automatic responses, it starts triggering these automatic responses in your body that are called echo effects. It's like you do this sound and then you notice that your skin starts tingling and maybe tingling in your genitals, maybe other parts of your body, and the response starts to awaken. And then as you continue, over one practice session and then over a series of practice sessions, those echo effects get stronger and stronger until finally the floodgates open and it's just a rush of orgasmic energy. Okay.

Jack Johnston: Something was happening and they would feel it, they would actually feel it, and it was that lower register like that where this key sound lives if you will. It's based on one of the lowest sounds that the human body can make, and so what that does is it starts activating this response in us, those echo effects, the tingles, and the rushes of energy, and so then when you start combining that with just a little tiny bit of stimulation to begin with. Remember that if you do a lot of stimulation, then, especially for men, that's going to trigger the ejaculation reflex. And then the party's over, or fairly much over. There's a big drop in energy. You can still, of course, be connected to a partner and so on and so forth but so we want to shy away from that, and just stay with this process of letting it build and build without switching over to lots of stimulation. What a lot of guys refer to as going for it. You know, and they switch gears and use lots of stimulation and so, you know, that kind of activity is fine to have in your life, I'm not saying don't ever do it, but in the practice sessions I encourage people not to go into that mode but to stay with gentle, very minimal stimulation and then to use this key sound, that I demonstrate in my audio seminars. How to amplify it. And once they make that connection, then they really start getting excited, they say, wow, this is really cool. 2ff7e9595c


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